
Let Geographic Data Flow Freely

Jul 30

web_08.jpgWeb 0.8 introduces file upload and import functionality, allowing you to seamlessly bring your geographic data into exping, regardless of your preferred data source.

New Import Options

  • Upload files directly in the Creation Center
  • Import files while editing maps

Supported File Formats

We now support importing geospatial data from various map data files and spreadsheets, including:

  • GeoJSON (.geojson)
  • ESRI Shapefile (.shp, .shx, .dbf)
  • KML (.kml) and KMZ (.kmz)
  • GPS formats (.gpx, .tcx, .fit)
  • OpenStreetMap (.osm)
  • Excel spreadsheets (.xls, .xlsx)
  • CSV files (.csv, .tsv, .txt)

Additional Link Import Options

  • Import of map data files via Google Drive links
  • Support for Google Sheets geospatial data

Other Updates

  • New storage management feature in settings

For details on importing spreadsheets, learn more in our Help Center. We welcome your feedback if you need support for additional data formats.
